"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens." (Carl Gustav Jung)
I remember a time when after so many other accidents, I knew in my heart that on this one I would not make it. Before then, I dreamed quit often. After, I started to look within myself. Focusing on the things that were not conducive to the positive outcome most would want. In doing this it seemed as if my whole life structure shifted to a point in time, where things did not seem to affect me. In a way I felt numb to the world. Calloused to friends and family, I worked 18 hour days, sometimes just coming home to shower and change my clothes, I kept this up until the birth of our second child. By this time I was pretty fearless and often would have police following us after pulling us over and finding out that we were working. Following us because they feared for our safety, working in the areas we were in. If People would realize their potential and then find happiness within that realm, we mite have a little more Peace in the world. Its only when the guppy wants to swim in the shark tank that you run in to problems..... Sianara....