Sunday, May 10, 2009
Today I dedicate to my love, who is a mother to my three healthy and very happy children. When most people get in to a hard spot, the first thing that comes to mind is their mother. When people arrive at a really good point in their lives, most think of mom. I think about mine every day. Mothers are tolerant with us when we have trouble towing the line. With the love and acceptance of a mother, most of us can proceed forward, learning from our mistakes. Having mom there to help us along, picking us up when we fall, and telling us that its OK to cry, comes a long way in the motivation department. Mothers are lighthouses to a lot of us. A beacon helping us navigate life's oceans of knowledge, dangers and riches. A mother of one or more will always be there for us no matter what. She is strong when times call for it. She is tender, when a tender moment is needed. She sets the tone for most of the homes in the nation. So today is for my mom, and my love Dolores, who is my lite and that of my kids. I want her to know that all her hard work and understanding will always be remembered, and that our children will always treasure the times with mom well into there elder years. You are Kind, Ravines, Intuitive, Sensual, Tenacious, Imaginative, Nurturing, to me, I Love You! Sianara.....