Wednesday, May 6, 2009
On the move a little while recovering from a disc dissectamy l-5s-1 this has Ben the hardest to overcome since I realised that we truly stand alone when it comes to navigating through life's hit and misses. What I mean is that we must love ourselves before being able to love someone El's. That's why fireman keep their mask on while in the fire and smoke. As we know this is so thay themselves do not fall to the smokes deadly relationship. While recovering i have had to adhere to very simple routines, and this has allowed me to slow down from 150mph to main stream 80mph( 9to5). People are focused on themselves and and family, that's good, my point is that if you found 100,000.00 in unmarked cash, would you try and find the owner of the money or would you keep it? Omitting, god forbid you have a sick family member or friend. What ever it is that you do will define the kind of person you are. If you put feces in your mouth it doesn't matter how much you put in or how many times. The fact remains that you put it in. That said we all want to strive for greatness whatever our definition is, and in doing so we tend to forget about team work and the basics that got us to where we are . We must build on thees basics at all times. The basics never change, then it should be referd to as a new discovery, which will come with its own basics. With this i leave you with a thought , The bricks used for your stairs to prosperity, if soaked in water Will give you a stronger bond. Sianara...