Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Today a commercial for what seemed to be a bid for nationalized health care, almost had me believing that such a system would work in this country. Then just as quick as the commercial appeared, my thoughts about it working disappeared as well. Americas foundation was built believing that one could live in a country that would allow individuals to be the best they can, and always having the gift of being able to make our own choices, as long as it did not compromise the quality of life for the rest of us. Nationalized health care will not work, not only because it dose not work in other countries, but because humane life is the most valuable thing on earth. That said, why would we not want to have the best doctors be the ones who prosper and rise to the top because of skill and not a slot that has to be filed with a worm body who may have barely passed medical school. One, if not the biggest underwriter, of our time Had executives make risky maneuvers, and the horses they bet to win, didn't even show, and now we are trying to fix something that didn't need fixing. The only thing that should have any fixing, are the bottom's of the guys who bet with the blood and sweat of hard working Americans , to the bunk in a jail cell. That way when some guy thinks he can hit the big one, hell use his own money or simply not do it. In closing I would like to thank Mr. Newt Gingrich for bringing it to the Congress woman from California's 8th district. To you I bid God speed. Sianara.....