Saturday, May 9, 2009
I have a good friend of mine who has already passed on, who told me that he would take on special projects, and would get to them as he went about his day. His projects consisted of getting small time petty dealers to stop dealing drugs. He told me that he would focus on the ones that did it to support their own habit or to plain just be able to eat and pay for rent. He said the ones who did it to pay rent, usually had children that needed to be cared for. He said that in most cases all you had to show them, is that all the energy they use attempting to sell the drugs could be redirected to a legitimate enterprise. The biggest obstacle he told me was to get them to believe in themselves. This shows me that people black, White,or brown, good, or bad, will always need to believe in what they can and cannot do, in order to successfully execute life. Sianara....God Speed...