Friday, May 22, 2009
People ask why the United States of America always seems to get involved with trouble in other parts of the world. Well ill put it as simple as I can. If someone pop's a nuke above ground, we all die. Is that to simple? Let me try this one. Lets say that you and ten of your co-workers are in a 20 by 20 foot room, and every one has one hand grenade. We all know what will happen if only one goes off right? Ya, you all Die. So if just one person starts to get mad and threatens to pull the pin on his or her grenade, or worse pulls the pin but does not release it and starts to make impossible request. What would you do? I know in my heart that I would expire that individual. I would hit first and hard without warning.. Would you do the same? I think you would. Case in point, Iran has pulled the pin.. Must I say more? In closing I say to the commanders in theater. Use your men as an extension of yourself. Strike first, Strike hard, and remember, never let your men see you cry in the face death. I salute you and bid you God speed. Sianara......