Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens." (Carl Gustav Jung)
I remember a time when after so many other accidents, I knew in my heart that on this one I would not make it. Before then, I dreamed quit often. After, I started to look within myself. Focusing on the things that were not conducive to the positive outcome most would want. In doing this it seemed as if my whole life structure shifted to a point in time, where things did not seem to affect me. In a way I felt numb to the world. Calloused to friends and family, I worked 18 hour days, sometimes just coming home to shower and change my clothes, I kept this up until the birth of our second child. By this time I was pretty fearless and often would have police following us after pulling us over and finding out that we were working. Following us because they feared for our safety, working in the areas we were in. If People would realize their potential and then find happiness within that realm, we mite have a little more Peace in the world. Its only when the guppy wants to swim in the shark tank that you run in to problems..... Sianara....
I remember a time when after so many other accidents, I knew in my heart that on this one I would not make it. Before then, I dreamed quit often. After, I started to look within myself. Focusing on the things that were not conducive to the positive outcome most would want. In doing this it seemed as if my whole life structure shifted to a point in time, where things did not seem to affect me. In a way I felt numb to the world. Calloused to friends and family, I worked 18 hour days, sometimes just coming home to shower and change my clothes, I kept this up until the birth of our second child. By this time I was pretty fearless and often would have police following us after pulling us over and finding out that we were working. Following us because they feared for our safety, working in the areas we were in. If People would realize their potential and then find happiness within that realm, we mite have a little more Peace in the world. Its only when the guppy wants to swim in the shark tank that you run in to problems..... Sianara....
Monday, May 25, 2009
"There is one great thing you men will be able to say after this war is over and you are home once again. You may be thankfull that twenty years from now when your sitting by the fire place with your grandson on your knee and he asked you what you did in the great World War II, you WON'T have to cough, shift him to the other knee and say, Well your grandfather shoveled shit in Louisiana. No, sir, you can look him in the eye and say, son, your grandaddy rode with the great Third Army and that Son-of-a-Goddamned- Bitch named Georgie Patton!" General Georg S. Patton, Jr. June-5, 1944
Many of those men did not make it back to that place by the fire. We will keep your storey alive, we will remind those who in there self deprecating ways go about their lives not knowing the great men who gave there lives so that we can continue on as free men and women and in the pursuit of what ever it is that we may want to pursue. My father and uncle both served in Vietnam. I served during the cold war under hazardous conditions, but all three of us made it back to our family's, and our life's continued on. Today as every day should be, is to remember those who are not by the fire with use, but wait for us on the other side. I solute you and your family's with tears in my eyes, and I swear with God as my witness I will honer you for the rest of my time here on Earth. I love you, and I thank you for committing the ultimate sacrifice, for you great men and women are my Hero's. God speed. until we meet again. Sianara...
Many of those men did not make it back to that place by the fire. We will keep your storey alive, we will remind those who in there self deprecating ways go about their lives not knowing the great men who gave there lives so that we can continue on as free men and women and in the pursuit of what ever it is that we may want to pursue. My father and uncle both served in Vietnam. I served during the cold war under hazardous conditions, but all three of us made it back to our family's, and our life's continued on. Today as every day should be, is to remember those who are not by the fire with use, but wait for us on the other side. I solute you and your family's with tears in my eyes, and I swear with God as my witness I will honer you for the rest of my time here on Earth. I love you, and I thank you for committing the ultimate sacrifice, for you great men and women are my Hero's. God speed. until we meet again. Sianara...
Friday, May 22, 2009
People ask why the United States of America always seems to get involved with trouble in other parts of the world. Well ill put it as simple as I can. If someone pop's a nuke above ground, we all die. Is that to simple? Let me try this one. Lets say that you and ten of your co-workers are in a 20 by 20 foot room, and every one has one hand grenade. We all know what will happen if only one goes off right? Ya, you all Die. So if just one person starts to get mad and threatens to pull the pin on his or her grenade, or worse pulls the pin but does not release it and starts to make impossible request. What would you do? I know in my heart that I would expire that individual. I would hit first and hard without warning.. Would you do the same? I think you would. Case in point, Iran has pulled the pin.. Must I say more? In closing I say to the commanders in theater. Use your men as an extension of yourself. Strike first, Strike hard, and remember, never let your men see you cry in the face death. I salute you and bid you God speed. Sianara......
Thursday, May 21, 2009
To all the murderers, rapist, and child molesters. Remember that even though you may not believe in ever lasting life, I want you to know that you have a very special place reserved for you on the last day that your flesh body takes its last breath on earth. A spot that I'm sure you will agree will have a warm if not a hot reception upon your arrival. Here you will get ten fold what you gave during your brief stay on Earth, and you will get this day after day for ever and ever. I'm sure you will find the atmosphere to your liking. Someone said that people don't do bad things because they are evil, they do them because they like it....... In closing I say, tell your loved one's that you love them every day because tomorrow may never come for some of us. Sianara.....
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Today a commercial for what seemed to be a bid for nationalized health care, almost had me believing that such a system would work in this country. Then just as quick as the commercial appeared, my thoughts about it working disappeared as well. Americas foundation was built believing that one could live in a country that would allow individuals to be the best they can, and always having the gift of being able to make our own choices, as long as it did not compromise the quality of life for the rest of us. Nationalized health care will not work, not only because it dose not work in other countries, but because humane life is the most valuable thing on earth. That said, why would we not want to have the best doctors be the ones who prosper and rise to the top because of skill and not a slot that has to be filed with a worm body who may have barely passed medical school. One, if not the biggest underwriter, of our time Had executives make risky maneuvers, and the horses they bet to win, didn't even show, and now we are trying to fix something that didn't need fixing. The only thing that should have any fixing, are the bottom's of the guys who bet with the blood and sweat of hard working Americans , to the bunk in a jail cell. That way when some guy thinks he can hit the big one, hell use his own money or simply not do it. In closing I would like to thank Mr. Newt Gingrich for bringing it to the Congress woman from California's 8th district. To you I bid God speed. Sianara.....
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
One thing that I have definitively learned in my 40 years is that there are two kinds of people that walk the earth.. You have the ones who are in the pursuit of big money and or power, or both simultaneously. Or the other who is the one who finally figured out that they were not capable of both big money, or power, and decided to do what needs to be done to not live on the street, and in some cases to just be able to live period. Out of both types just mentioned, the first do it because that's what makes them happy, and the later do it, out of necessity. Don't get me wrong. There are exceptions to the rule, like the folk's who are community leaders, and community helpers, that pick up the slack that the Government machine creates, while trying to keep Americans in a position to move forward in as a positive way possible. The exceptions to the rule type people are my kind of people. The ones who believe that a Win Win situation is possible in this world. Earlier I wrote that I believe that we will have Peace on earth when all the people are gone. If you think about that statement, it really makes sense. I say that because most people get what they can, and allot of them feel that if nobody saw it then its OK. Well that thinking gets you a middle, if not less of the road kind of life. If that's what some people want, It's cool with me, because like Gorge Lopez mite say "Saves Que? just stay out of my way and it's all good. Last year I was at a location where I found myself sitting next to a Veteran who after sitting together for two hours, told me that he was in the battle of the Bulge where members of the 1st, 3rd and 9th Army's fought, and 77,000 men gave there life's, fighting under the command of Field Marshale Montgomery. I shook his hand and thanked him for not giving up. Until next time , as long as God gives my body breath, Sianara...........
Monday, May 18, 2009
I heard that we lost more servicemen to suicide after Vietnam than in the War itself. The politicians war, as they say. As I sit here, I know that if I don't lay down in the next 30 to 45 min, I'll be in pain. That's while I am on pain pill's. So Imagine one who cant get up at all. You can sleep for only so long , before you succumb to the grip of depression. People commit suicide every day in our country.. It's an issue that some communities have had to deal with because of the times we find ourselves in. The taking of one's life, usually involves mental illness. Those who ask if they are going crazy, from what I'm told, usually are not. It's only those individuals who do not question themselves that may be, and usually are mentally ill. With some exceptions to the rule. People who are going to commit suicide in most cases succeed. Those who need and reach out for help are usually what I call the survivors of suicide. The 1-800-don't -kill yourself numbers seem to be there for the folks who don't really want to die, but need help. Not wanting to hurt other people,thees guy's end up as the aggressor and the victim, all in one, to what I would say is a crime. I say that, only because of the wake of destruction it makes. So God forbid if one of your friends or family members tells you that they are going to kill themselves, and you run to there side and they're still alive. Make sure that you get them the help they need, because the next time they may not want to live, and actually follow through.. This week Is dedicated to my Brothers and sisters at arms who are waiting for us on the other side. To you I salute and present arms. God speed and may the wind be always at your back. Sianara....
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Today acording to a news publication Twitter and Face book were creating havoc in the work place. It also mentioned one guy who posted that he got a job offer in San Jose and he was weighing his options which were, the commute and the fact that he did not like the work. To that of a fat paycheck. I don't know about you, but I'm wondering how this peace of work got as far as he did, in order to get the offer in the first place. I cant tell you how many times I meet people that are just getting by. Doing just what they need to squeak by. The only thing that I want to be associated with that squeak's by, is the byproduct my body produces when it turns food I eat , into energy, so that i can stay clear of this type of individual. Because even as a low level employs this guy or gale can ruin you, and what ever type of business your in will determine how long it will take. I understand that selfishness is a form of survival in some cases. I know because I'm not one who has not faltered at one point or another. My point is that Facebook is just like talking to your coworkers at work or any other place that you mite be in each others proximity. Except with Facebook your using a bull horn so every one can hear. So use your head and if your going to use a bullhorn you need to choose your words carefully.
In closing I solute my brothers and sisters at arms who have given there life's for our country. You I give my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice and that of your family's. I will Honor you always. Until we meet again on the other side . Sianara......
In closing I solute my brothers and sisters at arms who have given there life's for our country. You I give my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice and that of your family's. I will Honor you always. Until we meet again on the other side . Sianara......
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Today I dedicate to my love, who is a mother to my three healthy and very happy children. When most people get in to a hard spot, the first thing that comes to mind is their mother. When people arrive at a really good point in their lives, most think of mom. I think about mine every day. Mothers are tolerant with us when we have trouble towing the line. With the love and acceptance of a mother, most of us can proceed forward, learning from our mistakes. Having mom there to help us along, picking us up when we fall, and telling us that its OK to cry, comes a long way in the motivation department. Mothers are lighthouses to a lot of us. A beacon helping us navigate life's oceans of knowledge, dangers and riches. A mother of one or more will always be there for us no matter what. She is strong when times call for it. She is tender, when a tender moment is needed. She sets the tone for most of the homes in the nation. So today is for my mom, and my love Dolores, who is my lite and that of my kids. I want her to know that all her hard work and understanding will always be remembered, and that our children will always treasure the times with mom well into there elder years. You are Kind, Ravines, Intuitive, Sensual, Tenacious, Imaginative, Nurturing, to me, I Love You! Sianara.....
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I have a good friend of mine who has already passed on, who told me that he would take on special projects, and would get to them as he went about his day. His projects consisted of getting small time petty dealers to stop dealing drugs. He told me that he would focus on the ones that did it to support their own habit or to plain just be able to eat and pay for rent. He said the ones who did it to pay rent, usually had children that needed to be cared for. He said that in most cases all you had to show them, is that all the energy they use attempting to sell the drugs could be redirected to a legitimate enterprise. The biggest obstacle he told me was to get them to believe in themselves. This shows me that people black, White,or brown, good, or bad, will always need to believe in what they can and cannot do, in order to successfully execute life. Sianara....God Speed...
Friday, May 8, 2009
To my brothers and sisters at arms. To you I bid, God speed, and may you hit first and hard, with the wind always at your back. My family and I thank You for your sacrifice and we want you to know that we appreciate your hard work and keeping in the tradition of our Armed Forces those of Honer, Integrity and true American grit. You will not be forgotten and we will always be grateful. Sianara..
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
On the move a little while recovering from a disc dissectamy l-5s-1 this has Ben the hardest to overcome since I realised that we truly stand alone when it comes to navigating through life's hit and misses. What I mean is that we must love ourselves before being able to love someone El's. That's why fireman keep their mask on while in the fire and smoke. As we know this is so thay themselves do not fall to the smokes deadly relationship. While recovering i have had to adhere to very simple routines, and this has allowed me to slow down from 150mph to main stream 80mph( 9to5). People are focused on themselves and and family, that's good, my point is that if you found 100,000.00 in unmarked cash, would you try and find the owner of the money or would you keep it? Omitting, god forbid you have a sick family member or friend. What ever it is that you do will define the kind of person you are. If you put feces in your mouth it doesn't matter how much you put in or how many times. The fact remains that you put it in. That said we all want to strive for greatness whatever our definition is, and in doing so we tend to forget about team work and the basics that got us to where we are . We must build on thees basics at all times. The basics never change, then it should be referd to as a new discovery, which will come with its own basics. With this i leave you with a thought , The bricks used for your stairs to prosperity, if soaked in water Will give you a stronger bond. Sianara...
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