On a day like today I would like to thank the men who hit the beach knowing that they could be the next to fall. Even though they feerd possible death, these are the men and women who put everything ells aside and executed orders, regardless of their innermost feers. Its because of them, that I'm able to publish this blog. The fact that I receive better care than my brothers and sisters coming back from Vietnam, I attribute to the same men who made a blood deposit in Vietnam and felt the end of a whip held at the hands of his countrymen when they came home,
and didn't just lay down, but pushed the Veterans Administration to provide comparable care, comparable to the commitments they were ordered to keep..So on a day like today I thank them for going first and fighting for the rights we have today as Americans. Growing up abroad, and then coming to America was the biggest lesson I have learned in my 41 years on this earth. The fact that I can go down to any city, state, or federal government agency, and ask them for a permit to protest against the very same agency that's issuing the permit, and get it, to me is the most amazing thing in the world, after child birth. My point is that people will always want more. I cant tell you how many times iv witness people badmouth the Police, and then be the first one to dial 911 when he or she needs help, and then complain on the service, or try and file a petition in court, alleging one thing or another, knowing that the possibility was there that they may get a small settlement just for putting a hand on the bible to say "Yes", and the very next Sunday be at church asking for forgiveness, something I only noticed in a Gypsy. That was until I started working fraud and chasing wanna be gangsters. We must all be thankful for what we have, I myself, as iv said before "I will never even take the ability to smile for granted.", and ether should you.. To my Brothers and sisters at arms, To you I bid God speed, may you hit first and hard, with the wind always at your back. Sianara....